Who is HotelsACT ?
HotelsACT is an affiliate grassroots advocacy organization of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) created to enhance hoteliers’ ability to influence policy debates by focusing on the economic impact of the lodging industry across the country https://www.ahla.com/hotelsact.
HotelsACT aims to mobilize hotel owners, operators, employees, and partners to advocate for hotel-friendly policies at the local, state, and federal levels. HotelsACT also supports the election of pro-hotel candidates through its Political Action Committee (PAC) https://www.ahla.com/hotelsact.
Some of the key issues that HotelsACT focuses on are protecting hotels from onerous workplace rules, highlighting hoteliers’ community engagement and impact, recruiting a larger workforce and promoting career opportunities, fighting for a level playing field, and leading on sustainability, diversity, and safety